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Cutting-edge concrete printer, precision-engineered, efficiency, versatility, next-generation construction technology


Advantages of hiring a professional for your 3D printed homes;

-Get exactly what you want without mass production

-Hiring someone who knows these machines and their capabilities will save you time, money and energy. There is no longer a need for mass production factories that use hazardous chemicals to create the final product with this technology with additive manufacturing. You can sit down with an architect or engineer of your choice and work on plans together, so you get exactly what you want without having to compromise anything. This allows us as architects, engineers and construction workers to explore different design possibilities that have never been seen before.

Get more creative freedom than ever before

With this, there is no longer a need for mass production factories that use hazardous chemicals to create the final product with this technology. You can sit down with an architect or engineer of your choice and work on plans together, so you get exactly what you want without having to compromise anything. This allows us as architects, engineers, and construction workers to explore different design possibilities that have never been seen before.

Our mission is clear. The availability of high-quality, affordable homes in the wake of climate change inspires us to aim for carbon neutrality in the building process. We must design houses as part of the fight against climate change. There’s no time to waste.

Construction and Climate Change. NOAA and other agencies say that construction contributes to climate change. Concrete is recognized as a contributor to global greenhouse gas emission levels, according to the World Wildlife Fund. [http://awsassets.panda.org/downloads/englishsummary__lr_pdf.pdf]  A great deal of energy is used to manufacture cement, one of the primary ingredients in concrete. Traditional concrete is used to build foundations and slabs in the home construction industry.

That’s why our proprietary building process uses only low-carbon ingredients to create the extruded 3D printed home. In addition, our 3D printed houses dramatically reduce material transportation costs and construction waste associated with traditional building projects. Your printed house, condominium, ADU, or multiple-unit complex drastically reduces the carbon footprint that’s generally associated with the energy cost of construction. Your home is created from sustainable, renewable materials as well.

Three-D printing construction is affordable, sustainable, and efficient. By partnering with like-minded developers and investors, we collectively advance the goals of achieving carbon neutrality and reducing environmental impact as we create more affordable housing. Sustainability is achieved by:

• Using better materials

• Reducing the number of materials used • Longevity of materials

The eco-friendliness of printing 3D homes relies on the materials used and how little waste is generated during construction. The 3D printing process is precise. Every centimeter of material is used by the process. Therefore, it’s much easier for the builder to know how much material is needed at the start of the project.

If 32 percent of current landfill waste is created by the traditional construction industry, 3D printing’s low waste production is a great advance for the environment. In the future, using locally-sourced natural fibers and recycled materials can also lower the costs of building a 3D concrete home



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